Oral Guidelines for Authors
Oral speakers will attend the conference and present live to an audience. Please ensure your slides adhere to these guidelines. We look forward to your contributions to the 14th LCA Food 2024 Conference.
Talk length and meet the session chair
Slide Size, orientation and file formats
Content Structure
To ensure clarity and coherence, we recommend including the following sections in your oral presentation:
Style and Design
Font and content recommendations
Media files
No photo or recording allowed
Room and presentation times
File name
Delivery of presentation slides
There will NOT be an option to use your own device.
Presentations available post-event
Upload the presentation file for the post-event platform
Guidelines for Topical Sessions
These sessions focus on specific LCA food-related subjects. They aim to provide a platform for in-depth discussion on timely topics, overarching issues that lack effective solutions, or unresolved questions within our community.
Chairs and panelists will attend the conference and present live to an audience.
Session length and structure
Slide Size, orientation and file formats
Content Structure
To ensure clarity and coherence, we recommend including the following sections in your oral presentation:
Style and Design
Font and content recommendations
Media files
No photo or recording allowed
Room and presentation times
File name
Delivery of presentation slides
There will NOT be an option to use your own device.
Presentations available post-event
Upload the presentation file for the post-event platform
Poster Guidelines for Authors
All posters will be displayed during the whole Conference. Please ensure your poster adheres to these guidelines. We look forward to your contributions to the 14th LCA Food 2024 Conference.
Poster Size and Orientation
Content Structure
To ensure clarity and coherence, we recommend including the following sections in your poster:
Style and Design
Font Recommendations
Resolution and Printing Recommendations
No photo or copy allowed
Room and Display Times
Poster Printing and Delivery
Poster available post-event
Upload the poster file for the post-event platform
Alo Congress – VB Group
Numancia 73
08029 Barcelona - España
Phone: (+34)933 633 954
Queries: secretary@lcafood2024.com
Payments and invoices: invoices@lcafood2024.com